Friday, 17 February 2017

Liked on YouTube: Expand RetroPie rom Storage to an External USB drive or Thumbstick! RetroPie 4 (RetroPie Toolkit )

Expand RetroPie rom Storage to an External USB drive or Thumbstick! RetroPie 4 (RetroPie Toolkit )
The 3TB WD drive I tested with. This should hold just about everything you can find with space left over: 256GB Sandisk Thumbstick $43: 128GB Sandisk Thumbstick $25: 64gb Sandisk Thumbdrive $20: The Rules: 1. Must be running RetroPie 4.0 or newer 2. All thumbsticks should be fine. With actual hard drives its best to get an externally powered drive like my Western Digitals shown in the video. Old junker hard drives that do not have external power will work but they will put a power drain on your pi. Best to avoid them if possible. 3. Drive needs to be formatted to NTFS. If it is already formatted to NTFS no need to reformat. If it already has stuff/data on it you can leave it....just add a directory called piroms 4. The drive must have a directory called piroms on the drive in the root directory 5. Games can only be loaded to the external drive by plugging it directly into your PC. You cannot load games to it from the network....ftp, sftp, samba etc... If you do they will be loaded directly to the SD card and not the external drive. This is a limitation of linux to write to an NTFS drive. It can only read from it. I think that about covers it.....other than that... GO NUTS! P.S. I think the pi can only handle about 40 systems due to lack of keep that in mind.... ;-) RetroPie Toolkit: If you already have the toolkit....Disable and Enable external drive scripts....get them both in case something goes pear shaped ;-) If these scripts helped you out please consider a tip! :-) RetroPie Toolkit Tip Jar:
via YouTube

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