Wednesday 26 October 2016

Liked on YouTube: Commodore 64 - Reverse Code Engineering Part 1

Commodore 64 - Reverse Code Engineering Part 1 Github for the download and code examples is here: Commodore 64 Reverse Code Engineering Part 1 In this example the code for "Catacombs" from Ahoy magazine is reverse engineered so we can learn from it and enhance it to our preference. Reverse engineering began back since the invention of computers and become popular during the "hacking era" in the 70/80s. when computers starting becoming more mainstream. I have always enjoyed breaking down code to learn from it. This video teaches you the techniques I learned to accomplish this. I will likely divide this into two parts because I didn't want to extend the video too long. Please like, favorite, subscribe, and share this video with your friends. I appreciate you all so much. Thanks for watching!
via YouTube

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